About us
About us
Lifeline Africa is a non-governmental humanitarian and development organization founded in 2008 in Mogadishu by a group of young Somali intellectuals and volunteers. it was initially begun as charity organization and was the only charitable trust provides emergency ambulance services providing emergency aid to people directly affected by armed conflict. Lifeline goes beyond health and emergency services to address other social, development and emergency related challenges effecting vulnerable and disadvantaged women, children and youths in Somalia with a focus on key interventions that assist women’s and youth greater access to the economy and meaningful participation in the social, economic, political and health spheres , prevention and response to violence against women and children and peace building.
Our mission
To uphold the rights and wellbeing of Somali community and to promote peace and security, human rights and climate resilience through provision humanitarian and development programs that meet their basic needs, improve their living conditions.
Our vision
Improved status of poorest women, youth and children in society and full enjoyment of their human rights with peace and sustainable development.
core value
Professional standards of behavior Act responsibly and be accountable Promote and encourage teamwork Show care and respect Inclusiveness
Our partners